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monDAY, JANUARY 23 (1)

(Re)introducing Shakespeare; What makes drama unique as an art form? What makes Shakespeare distinct?; Shakespeare's language; What's TRAGEDY, really?

Tonight I'd like you to print, read, and annotate these selections of Machiavelli's The Prince, a Renaissance conduct book that makes the case for how someone could conceivably obtain and maintain power in what might not be considered the most ethical of ways.

tuesDAY, JANUARY 24 (2)

Introduction to Othello: What kind of a play is it? What will our focus be?; Machiavelli's The Prince

Tonight you are to read 1.1 of Othello. Read the corresponding sections of this summary before moving to Shakespeare's text. Use that and only that summary. It's the best. Do you think Iago has a master plan? What do you anticipate being some of the themes in this play? How can you know so early on?

wednesdAY, JANUARY 25 (3)

Othello, 1.1

Tonight you are to read 1.2. This is our introduction to the play's title character. What do you first notice about him? Is he how Iago described him in the previous scene? How does he speak? What personality traits do you attribute to him? In what sense is Iago in a balancing act in this scene? What does he need to accomplish?

thursdAY, JANUARY 26 (4)

Othello, 1.2

Tonight, please read 1.3.1-174. Discuss the nature of the geopolitical conflict described in the scene's opening lines. Pay particular attention to Othello's mastery of the English language in this section. It's setting us up for a marked contrast later in the play.


Othello, 1.3.1-174

Over the weekend I'd like for you to finish 1.3. What is the relationship like between Othello and Desdemona? At this point does Iago have a clearly defined plan of attack? What is he doing to Roderigo?


Set first Othello essay assignment: What's in a word? OR Performance ComparisonOthello, 1.3

No new reading tonight.  


Othello, 1.3

No new reading tonight. 

WEDNESDAY, february 1 (2)

Othello, 1.3


A few sentence patterns. these ten sets of sentences

Tonight I'd like you to read the beginning of Othello, 2.1.1-207.


Othello, 2.1

Over the weekend I'd like you to finish 2.1, read 2.2, and begin 2.3. Make your way to line 152.


Othello, 2.1-2.3

Make sure you submit your essay to peergrade after you confirm your account. You'll need to submit the full draft by 8:00am Wednesday morning. Failure to submit will result in a loss of 10% on the essay and a 0 for the peer review (quiz grade).


A day for peer editing. Make sure you respond to the comments you've been given; you'll be receiving a quiz grade for that feedback.

Tonight I'd like you to print, read, and annotate Lukianoff and Haidt's "The Coddling of the American Mind," an essay that thinks in topics about cultural sensitivity. In the margin next to each paragraph, write a brief note about the function of that paragraph. How does it respond to the previous one?


Othello, 2.3; "The Coddling of the American Mind"


Othello; Reminders about research essay; "The Coddling of the American Mind"

Remember that on Monday you'll be submitting your research text for the first of two book checks. Review the assignment sheet if you have any questions about expectations for this first turn-in. I'd also like you to finish 2.3 of Othello.

MONDAY, febrUARY 13 (4) 

Othello, 2.3

Tonight, please read 3.1-3.3.33 ("Ha? I like not that.")

TUESDAY, febrUARY 14 (5)

Othello, 3.1-3.3.33

Tonight you're reading 3.3.34-174 ("O misery!")

WEDNESDAY, february 15 (6)

Othello, 3.3.34-174

Tonight you're reading 3.3.175-292 ("I am very sorry that you are not well.")


Othello, 3.3.175-292

TUESDAY, febrUARY 21 (2)

Othello, 3.3 scene worksheet

Tonight please finish reading the scene.

WEDNESDAY, february 22 (3)

Pilot essay preparation day


Pilot essay drafting day 1 - MEET IN ROOM 826

friDAY, FEBRUARY 24 (5)

Pilot essay drafting day 2 - MEET IN ROOM 826

What's Due?

Friday, February 3 - Choose research text

Wednesday, February 8 - What's in a word? OR Performance Comparison

Monday, February 13 - Book check 1 - Identifying the focus of reading

Tuesday, February 21 - Book check 2 - Annotations and working hypothesis

Monday, February 27 - Pilot Essay

Monday, March 20 - Friday, April 7 - Research conferences

Monday, April 10 - Annotated bibliography

Monday, April 24 - Final research essay

Research Assignment, Act 1

Research Assignment, Act 2

 what's next?

You'll need to purchase this edition of Dante's Inferno. Click here to purchase on Amazon.

By the world, / I think my wife be honest and think she is not; / I think that thou art just and think thou art not. / I’ll have some proof.
— Othello, 3.3

Word of the day

Title page from the 1622 folio of Othello.

'Higher consciousness' sounds mystical and possibly irritating. It shouldn't. It just captures how we see things when we go beyond our own egos.



No, Iago,
I’ll see before I doubt; when I doubt, prove;
And on the proof there is no more but this:
Away at once with love or jealousy!

monDAY, FEBRUARY 27 (6)

Sample pilot essays on the big board

TUESDAY, febrUARY 28 (1)

A day for peer review

Tonight I'd like you to return to Othello, reading all of 3.4.

WEDNESDAY, march 1 (2)

Othello, 3.4

Tonight I'd like you to read 4.1.1-140.

THURSDAY, march 2 (3)

Othello, 4.1

Tomorrow the English department has an in-service, so you will be free to  apply any finishing touches to the revision of your pilot essay. A hard copy and e-copy are due Friday at 3:30 PM.

TUESDAY, march 7 (6)

Othello, 4.1

Tonight you are to read 4.2.1-172

WEDNESDAY, march 8 (1)

Othello, 4.2.1-172

Tonight you are to finish 4.2.

THURSDAY, march 9 (2)

Othello, 4.2; Set research assignment, Act 2