unit 1: nonfiction 1—sports profiles / long-form journalism / creative non-fiction
MEETING 1: thompson, “Beyond the breach”
Welcome. So glad you’ve decided to take this class.
Let’s brainstorm: What drives interest in watching sports?
What is this class all about? What are my expectations for you?
Let’s turn to “Beyond the Breach”. What are some of the profile’s ideas about football’s connection to the culture of the city of New Orleans? Who are the main characters? To whom were you drawn? Why?
(1) Familiarize yourself with the course website—this page, the Policies page, and the Writing Center. It’s up to you to know the resources you’ve available to you. Study these pages.
(2) Register on turnitin.com: Class ID: 46903708 Enrollment Password: Magis
(3) Complete “Beyond the Breach: Structure” handout for our next class.