
wednesday, september 4: cantos 1 and 2

Questions for our first meeting:

What do we learn from the title? Commedia | The Divine Comedy

What is the structure of the poem? Why does it revolve around the number 3?

What is the poem’s genre?

Who was Dante?

Where does the pilgrim find himself at the beginning of Inferno? How might we read the poem literally and allegorically?

How is Canto 1 a general prologue to or rehearsal of the rest of the poem?

Next meeting? Cantos 3-4.

But then my mind was struck by light that flashed
and, with this light, received what it had asked.
Here force failed my high fantasy; but my
desire and will were moved already—like
a wheel revolving uniformly—by
the Love that moves the sun and the other stars.
— Paradiso 33

TEXTs for the year